Catching Up! January & February

I can’t believe February is almost over! Here are some pictures from  the last two months! We made paper airplanes and tested them to see how far they would fly as part of a News to You Science Lesson…..


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We celebrated a few birthdays, Happy Birthday Carson and Reagan!


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We make some of the coolest things in Art class with Ms. Toni!

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Mrs. DeBuys and Mrs. Malloy attended the Council on Exceptional Children Conference and Expo in Indianapolis.  We came back with so many great ideas!


Ms. Sappington invited us to her AP Biology class to do a lab on fossils.  Students worked in small groups with their peers to locate fossils hidden around the room, identify animals according to their fossils, and complete fossil puzzles. Ms. Sappington did a great job including us in her engaging science lesson!


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We’ve been shopping at Belk and Barnes and Noble when we go to the Forum.  Then we have lunch together at Jason’s Deli.  We practice so many life skills while out in the community on Fridays!

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The PALS Club Valentines Day Social was a big success! The members enjoyed music, art, snacks, dancing and and hanging out with their friends.

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We had fun at Hoops for Hearts on Valentine’s Day!

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